Taste Newberg


Bald Peak Scenic Viewpoint (trails)

The highest point in the Chehalem Mountains offers scenic views of the Coast range and Cascade peaks. Steller’s Jay and Red-breasted Nuthatch are resident in the mature Douglas-firs, and Varied Thrush and Townsend’s Warbler can be found in winter and early spring. The brushy edges of the park lawns can be a magnet for migrant songbirds in spring. In mid- to late April, walk Bald Peak Rd along the ridgeline (being careful of cars) to check the budding big-leaf maples for warblers, vireos, and other migrant songbirds. Clearcut areas below the park are home to nesting White-crowned Sparrows.

From Scholls Junction (Hwy 210 and Hwy 219) go W, then NW on Hwy 219 (SW Hillsboro Hwy) 2.5 mi to Laurel Rd; then W on Laurel Rd for 4.5 mi to Bald Peak Rd (T4). At 3-way intersection with Laurelwood Rd turn S and go 1.9 mi to park entrance on R. From Hwy 47 in Gaston turn E at flashing light onto Main St, which becomes Gaston Rd. Go 0.8 mi and turn R on Spring Hill Rd. Go 1.8 mi then L on Laurelwood. Go E 3.2 mi to intersection with Bald Peak Rd. Turn R and go 1.9 mi up hill to park entrance. GPS 44 23.742 N, 123 03.351 W.

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